Podcast & Speaking Topics
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Beauty in the Brokenness is the golden thread woven through all of scripture and all of our lives. It also makes its way into everything I write and speak about. I can’t help but share how God’s beautiful gospel intersects with our broken lives and transforms everything! The following are talks I have already given, which may be adjusted to fit your event. However, if you have a theme already chosen, I am open to crafting a custom talk.
Four Session Retreats
For retreats, I provide fill-in-the-blank notes, as well as discussion questions for each session.
SEEN. KNOWN. LOVED. (4 Session Retreat)
We’ve been born into an epic love story written by a Master Author. Understanding our place in the story gives our lives meaning and purpose. In four sessions, we will discover:
1 …How in the world did we get here? (Genesis 1-3)
2 …How can we embrace hope in the messy middle of our story? (Romans 8)
3 …How far did God reach to rescue us? (Various passages)
4 …How does knowing the end of the story help us thrive today? ( Psalm 37, Rev 21-22)
Packing Light (4 Session Retreat)
Most of us are stuck in cycles of fear, shame, and anxiety. God’s word addresses all of these things and provides alternatives. We will talk about proven ways to drop these heavy burdens and walk forward in freedom.
1…Unpacking Weariness, Repacking Rest (Matt 11:28-30 / Psalm 46:10)
2…Unpacking Fear & Anxiety, Repacking Peace (2 Cor 10:3-5)
3…Unpacking Personal Brokenness, Repacking Grace & Love (Various Passages)
4…Unpacking Uncertainty, Repacking Hope & Expectation (1 Peter 1:3-6)
Unpacking Weariness, Repacking Rest
Lake Ann Camp Women’s Retreat
(Message begins at 18:18)
(This was originally presented at a Mother-Daughter retreat and works well for audiences of all ages!)
1…Held When Life Falls Apart (Ruth 1:1-22)
2…Held In the Battle (Ruth 2:1-23)
3…Held Under His Wings (Ruth 3:1-4:12)
4…Held In Our Ordinary Days (Ruth 4:13-22)
Podcast Interview Topics
*See video below
So many women are living under the weight of silent shame. They have experienced sexual brokenness because of things they’ve done or things that were done to them. Shame whispers, “You don’t belong…If only they knew…You’re not good enough…” But Scripture is filled with a vast lineage of strong, brave women whose sexual wounds were healed and made whole through God’s love and restoration. He is not ashamed of their stories. Instead, He highlights them, shining a spotlight on His grace.
I openly share my story alongside those of women like Tamar, Rahab, the woman at the well, and others. Come encounter God’s loving, tender, and gracious heart toward the sexually broken woman. “Those who look to Him are radiant. Their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5 ESV
Potential Questions: (Feel free to add or adapt questions for your audience)
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
How did you end up writing this study that you really didn’t want to write?
Why a Bible study rather than a book?
Who is this study written for?
How do you define sexual brokenness?
How is the study laid out?
What does it mean for a woman to steward her story well? What encouragement might you have for a woman whose story is difficult, but she hears God calling her to step out and share it?
Is there a verse of scripture that inspired this study?
Can you speak directly to the listener who has experienced sexual brokenness?
What other resources do you have for our listeners?
Freebie: The Graced Guide to Restoration… a downloadable guide with trusted resources such as books, podcasts, playlists, and more.
My Bible study, DisGraced: How God Redeems and Restores the Broken.
ForGive & remember*
*See video below
“Hurt me once; shame on you. Hurt me twice; shame on me.” Keep track of wrongs. Protect yourself. This is the philosophy our world offers. But this is not the message of the gospel. What does it look like to “forgive as you have been forgiven”? And what are we to remember when it comes to forgiveness?
Let’s talk about what forgiveness is. And what forgiveness is not. Additionally, I share a step-by-step process of working through forgiveness.
Potential Questions: (Feel free to add or adapt questions for your audience)
Why talk about forgiveness?
Why is there so much misinformation about forgiveness in the church?
What is “easy forgivism”?
Is there ever a time to not forgive someone?
How do I forgive… like, what does it look like IRL?
Talk about the tension between mercy and justice. How do we hold to consequences and boundaries while still extending forgiveness?
What are the consequences of unforgiveness?
What resources can you provide for our listeners?
Freebie: I’ve created a printable chart and worksheet detailing the 12 things forgiveness is, and the 12 things it is not, as well as a step-by-step guide to work through forgiveness.
This is also covered in my Bible study, DisGraced: How God Redeems and Restores the Broken.
Where mercy & justice meet
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 (NIV)
Have you ever been so utterly guilty that you knew you had no way out? Have you ever felt the sting of truth penetrate your heart without the cushion of grace surrounding it? Have you ever become so complacent in the grace of God that His whispers of truth have fallen on deaf ears? Caught red-handed and brought to Jesus, God’s grace and truth flowed freely onto a sexually broken woman whose life hung in the balance.His grace spares her life and sets her free from shame. And His truth frees her from her sinful lifestyle.
Potential Questions: (Feel free to add or adapt questions for your audience)
What is the story of the woman caught in adultery?
How does her story illustrate God’s grace?
What’s the big deal about sexual sin?
Does God really expect us to pursue obedience and holiness in this culture?
What is the problem with grace without truth?
What is the problem with truth without grace?
How does Jesus perfectly exhibit the qualities of both grace and truth?
What does any of this have to do with our lives today?
What resources do you have for our listeners?
This is covered in my Bible study, DisGraced: How God Redeems and Restores the Broken.
Speaking Topics
Restoration from Sexual Brokenness
So many women are living under the heavy weight of silent shame. They have experienced sexual brokenness because of things done to them or things done by them. Shame whispers, "You don't belong…If only they knew… You're not good enough…" But Scripture is filled with a vast lineage of strong, brave women whose sexual wounds were healed and made whole through God's love and restoration. He is not ashamed of their stories. Instead, He highlights them, shining a spotlight on His grace.
Teresa openly shares her story alongside those of women like Tamar, Rahab, the woman at the well, and others. Invite your women to experience God's loving, tender, and gracious heart toward the wounded and broken.
"Those who look to Him are radiant. Their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5
Use Teresa’s Bible study, Graced: How God Redeems and Restores the Broken, as a follow-up to this event!
Restoration From Sexual Brokenness
Clark’s Summit University Chapel
Come to the table
Strip us down to our bare souls, and we’re all pretty much alike. The women of the Bible are no exception. From Sarah, who struggled with infertility and anger, to Leah, the unloved wife; from Rahab, the faith-filled prostitute, to Bathsheba, who buried her husband and infant son… We see our own hearts reflected in their lives. The stories of these women are real and raw and true, much like mine and yours. Each one was hand-picked by God and drawn into His family. He is inviting you into His story as well. There’s a place for you at His table!
When Jesus walked the earth, He extended this invitation, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and…you will find rest for your souls.” Soul rest seems so elusive, yet Jesus wouldn’t promise something He couldn’t deliver. What did He mean, and how do we exchange our heavy burdens for His promised rest?
In the midst of chaos and upheaval is the instruction to “Be still”. Yes, the storm is violent. Yes, you are surrounded by shattering, breaking, and burning. Yes, the earth is trembling, and the waters are roaring. Yes, the nations are raging, and kingdoms are tottering. In the very midst of that, we are told, “Be still and know that I am God.” How is that even possible?! Let’s talk about it.
Forgive & Remember
What does the Bible say about forgiveness?
Have struggled with the concept of forgiving someone who deeply hurt you?
Do you feel pressure (from yourself or others) to "just forgive them!"
Before we can do the brave and painful work of forgiving, we need to define what forgiveness is, and more importantly, what it is not.
Forgive & Remember
Clark’s Summit University Chapel
From Instagram to Pinterest, from TikTok to Facebook, everyone is clamoring to be seen and known. We are inundated with messages telling us to make a name for ourselves. Even within the church, the focus of our gaze often shifts to who WE are.
In the book of Isaiah, God trumpets words of comfort and hope to His desperate people who are struggling in captivity. The good news? The message of hope He extends? “BEHOLD YOUR GOD”!!! When Jesus began His earthly ministry, John the Baptist echoed those words: “Behold the lamb of God…” Our hearts will only ever be satisfied in seeing and savoring our great and glorious God! So let’s throw out our mirrors and our selfie sticks and lose ourselves in the great I Am!
what others are saying…
“It is a wonderful thing to find a woman’s speaker who can unashamedly invite others into a deeper walk with God and at the same time connect with them in such a personal manner. Teresa is that person. She’s real, passionate, and believable - a winning combination for those wanting to help others grow in Christ.”
“Teresa brings the Bible to life for her audience. As she spoke of God’s beautiful healing work in the lives of Biblical women, my soul was refreshed and encouraged by the reminder that He is doing an equally beautiful work in my own life.”
“Teresa’s presentation was marked with honesty, humility and great truths from God’s Word. Our ladies not only enjoyed listening to her, but many also said they were encouraged and challenged. I was personally blessed by the way Teresa proclaimed the Gospel in a way every woman could relate to.”
“Teresa’s talk is unique and her speaking style is sincere; she kept women attentive the entire time. I was personally very moved by the ending. I loved it, start to finish!! ”